
September Events are Up!

Click the Events Page in the menu to see what we have to offer – both unrated and USCF rated as well!

Note: A ton of Washington Chess Federation Events have been added to NWChess – take a look at them here:

Special mention to the Veteran’s Day Open on November 11th!

Veteran's Day Open - Seattle Chess
Veteran’s Day Open – Seattle Chess

Events for June 2023 are up!

The Events Page has the tournaments for the first four weeks of June – give them a look and be sure to pre-register before showing up!

With summer break just around the corner, we expect more and more scholastic players to show up as well as college-aged people headed home for the break. We’ll lift the cap of 24 players as we get more equipment and ensure we can run our tournaments correctly as-is.

Thanks so much for making the club a great success!

See you this week for classical!

Events Rules

Dual-Rated Events – New Time Control

Our Dual-Rated events that count towards USCF Regular and Quick ratings have had their time control reduced from G/40; d15 to G/30; d15.

This means that it is no longer 40 minutes base time, but 30 minutes. We are making the change to shorten up these events, as the 2nd round depends on the 1st round’s results and the last event went longer than usual.

They will still be “close ratings” meaning that you will play someone close to your rating in the first round guaranteed. In the second round, we pair by the first round results (win/lose/draw) but also try to keep the ratings close as well. Unrated or provisionally rated players may be paired with rated players of similar skill as per USCF recommendations.

Chess Study

Master the Chessboard: Top 3 Essential Opening Principles for Beginners and Intermediate Players

Chess is a fascinating game of strategy, skill, and patience. If you’re a beginner or intermediate player, understanding the fundamental opening principles can give you a competitive edge.

It’s time to discuss the top 3 opening principles, why they’re essential, and how you can learn them with ease. Get ready to elevate your chess game!

Control the Center

Why it’s valuable:

The center of the chessboard is critical for launching your attacks and defending your pieces. By controlling the center (the d4, d5, e4, and e5 squares), you can maneuver your pieces more effectively and limit your opponent’s options.

How to learn it easily:

To control the center, place your pawns on the central squares and develop your knights and bishops to support them. Avoid moving the same piece multiple times unless it’s necessary and focus on occupying the center with your pieces.

Develop Your Pieces

Why it’s valuable:

Piece development is key to a strong opening. Properly developed pieces can help you control the board, create threats, and capitalize on your opponent’s mistakes.

How to learn it easily:

Prioritize moving your knights and bishops before the queen and rooks. Aim to move each piece once in the opening and place them on active squares where they control central squares and support your other pieces.

Protect Your King

Why it’s valuable:

King safety is essential to prevent checkmates and avoid losing material. Ensuring your king is safe from early threats allows you to focus on other aspects of the game.

How to learn it easily:

A common way to protect your king is by castling, either kingside (O-O) or queenside (O-O-O). Castling not only safeguards your king but also connects your rooks, increasing their mobility. Avoid moving the pawns in front of your king to maintain a solid pawn structure and minimize vulnerabilities.


By mastering these top 3 opening principles, you’ll be well on your way to improving your chess game. Remember to control the center, develop your pieces efficiently, and protect your king. With practice and patience, you’ll notice a significant improvement in your gameplay. Now it’s time to put these principles into action and conquer the chessboard!

Chess Openings

The Queen’s Gambit Declined: A Perfect Opening for Chess Beginners

As a beginner or intermediate chess player, learning the right opening moves can make a significant impact on your game. One of the most popular and enduring opening choices for black is the Queen’s Gambit Declined (QGD). In this blog post, we’ll explore why this opening works so well as a conduit for learning chess and getting good positions out of the opening.

What is the Queen’s Gambit Declined?

The Queen’s Gambit Declined is a chess opening that occurs after the following moves:

  1. d4 d5
  2. c4 e6

In this position, white has offered the c4 pawn as a gambit, but black has declined it by playing e6 instead of capturing the pawn with dxc4. By doing so, black aims to create a solid pawn structure and maintain a strong central presence.

Key Advantages of the Queen’s Gambit Declined

1. Solid Pawn Structure

The QGD leads to a stable and compact pawn structure for black. This allows beginners to focus on piece development and coordination rather than worrying about weaknesses in their pawn structure. A solid pawn structure also makes it more difficult for white to create breakthroughs and generate quick attacks.

2. Ease of Learning

The QGD is an excellent choice for beginners because it is relatively straightforward to learn. The opening principles are clear: control the center, develop your pieces, and maintain a solid pawn structure. These principles can be easily applied to other openings, making the QGD a great foundation for learning chess.

3. Flexibility in Piece Development

One of the reasons the QGD is popular among intermediate players is its flexibility. Black has several options for developing their pieces, such as the Orthodox Variation, the Tarrasch Defense, and the Semi-Tarrasch Defense, among others. This flexibility allows players to tailor their playstyle and adapt to their opponent’s strategy.

4. Strong Foundations for Endgames

The QGD often leads to slow, strategic games, which can help beginners develop their endgame skills. By focusing on solid pawn structures and piece coordination, players are more likely to enter endgames with a strong position. This experience can be invaluable in improving overall chess performance.

5. Proven Success at the Highest Level

The QGD has been a staple in the repertoire of many world-class players, including Garry Kasparov, Anatoly Karpov, and Magnus Carlsen. Its success at the highest level of play demonstrates the opening’s effectiveness and provides a wealth of resources for those looking to study and improve their understanding of the opening.


The Queen’s Gambit Declined is an excellent opening for beginner and intermediate chess players to learn and incorporate into their games. Its emphasis on solid pawn structures, clear opening principles, and flexibility in piece development makes it an ideal conduit for learning chess and getting good positions out of the opening. Give the QGD a try in your next game, and watch your chess skills flourish!