Twelve players turned out for USCF Rapid Quads on April 11th, 2024! Free entry on Thursdays.
Rapid Quads in Des Moines! 4.11.2024

Twelve players turned out for USCF Rapid Quads on April 11th, 2024! Free entry on Thursdays.
Apologies everyone but March 28th’s event is canceled due to both TDs being unable to attend.
We will see you next week – events page will be updated in a few days with the entire month of April!
12 players showed up on a Thursday night south of Seattle for some free, USCF-rated Rapid Quads! Turnout is improving as the weather gets better.
Players featured FM Peter Yu in our top quad along with another 1900+ rated player, a middle quad ranging from 900-1200 in rating, and many new players in the lower quad.
Players of all skill level represented and neither TD Kyle Boddy or Matthew Duran had to volunteer and donate ratings points!
Click here to see the USCF crosstables!
Come down to the club on Thursday nights! Free entry, sometimes rated and sometimes not. Schedule on our website!
Eight players for Classical Night last week – here is the crosstable! Come on out on Thursdays for free chess in Des Moines as always. Check the Events Page for more information and the schedule.
USCF Crosstable Link:
Catch them on the Events Page now! You can sign up in advance for weeks ahead of time now.